'Trying times are not the times to stop trying' Harvey Mackay
Life has a nasty habit of presenting us with trying situations when we least expect them. That is what life is all about - these dilemmas are thrown into the mix to test us and to make us stronger. We can hopefully learn from them and move forward in a more positive light than we thought was ever possible.
It is amazing how strong and resilient we can be when we are faced with times of upset and difficulty but, on the flipside, we need to realise that no matter how much positivity we have in our life it is important to take time out for US - this allows us to focus on our relationship with ourselves and to realign a healthy and grounded attitude.
It is essential that this 'time-out' is taken guilt-free - we are entitled to it no matter what our responsibilities may be - it is normal to get stressed! Stress is a biological reaction to what is going on around us and it is part of how we function. We all need stress in order to work to peak performance - in small doses, it can be beneficial to many of us but chronic stress can lead to us feeling overwhelmed, burnt out and miserable.
When you take time out for yourself you are giving your body a break and your mind time to re-energise. Choose to fill your time with things that you enjoy and which make you happy! Go to the gym, go for a walk, bake a cake, take a bath, read a book... whatever it is which helps you to unwind, indulge yourself!
You don't have to wait until you are stressed to take a break. Here are three quick guilt-free ideas which you can build into your daily routine:
Start the day with yoga. Yoga is a one of the best stress-busting activities that you can do to benefit body and mind. By setting your alarm a few minutes earlier and practicing some key asanas; you will bring a calmness and positive energy to the start of your day.
Eat to relax. We may be on the run-up to Christmas and those family sized tins of chocolates are now in prime view when you walk into the supermarket - but stay strong! Look to nature for your treats - for example; honey and mango both offer depression-fighting compounds and green tea is an ideal source of L-Theanine which is purported to relieve anxiety, stress and anger. Remember a little of what we like is OK in moderation but 'we are what we eat!'
Take a walk. Exercise and fresh air works wonders to clear the mind. It encourages relaxation whilst getting your body moving and your heart pumping! Plus anyone can do it - no excuses now!
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