Drinking hot water and lemon is hardly a revelation. We seem to be told on a regular basis in magazines, the internet and social networking sites about the next 'in' thing, the next 'super food' to try and what we should and shouldn't eat. I tend to think that a 'try before you buy' approach is the best way to eliminate what works for you and what doesn't. Plus let's face it, some things are nothing more than faddy write-ups which realistically don't have any life-changing effect on your health or your body.
Do I buy into the hype?
I drink lemon water in the morning as it seems to wake me up more than coffee and is a lot more refreshing but what are the benefits and does it really make any difference?
Firstly, lemon water does not aid weight loss - this is a HUGE myth - unless you are substituting a sugary or higher calorie drink for this low kcal version (a standard glass contains only 25 calories) then you won't lose weight by adding this into your diet.
Although lemons are acidic, they are a good source of alkaline food to help to balance the body's PH levels - a fab antedote for curing an upset tummy. This wonder-combination kick-starts the digestive system by flushing out toxins from the liver - so it serves as the perfect 'good morning' drink. Great if you have 'over-indulged' the night before!
Lemons, popular for their therapeutic properties help to maintain your immune system (that's why a cup of honey and lemon for colds works wonders) and are an effective antiseptic. If you suffer from heart problems substitute fresh lemon for fresh lime due to its high potassium content.
BUT as much as they are good for you, lemons, limes and citrus fruits in general are acidic and they can weaken the enamel on teeth, if consumed frequently over a long period of time - always drink lemon and lime juice which has been well diluted and rinse well after consuming - usually follow up with a glass of plain water.
Overall, start the day in a fresh way... what you choose to consume for breakfast usually paves the way for your meal choices for the day ahead. Be positive and most importantly healthy!
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